Thursday, 10 December 2015

Bridge Latest

Latest news from the County Council is that the bridge won't be re-opened to traffic before Christmas. We'll keep you posted but we don't have any further news at the moment.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Parish News - October 2015

Two new notice boards have been erected in the village. One is by the entrance to the playing fields (Windsor Crescent) and the other on Bewick Lane, opposite the entrance to North Meadows. I am sure they will be well used as there is usually so much going on in the village.
Although results have been obtained following the recent speed monitoring, the Parish Council have asked that a further one be carried out after the bridge has re-opened and then the data will be analysed.
A fence has been place by the stepping stones and work will be carried out to refurbish/repair the millennium bench which has been damaged.

The next Parish Council meeting is on 15th October at 7.15pm.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Parish News - August 2015

The recent vacancy on the Parish Council has been filled by Ian Campbell who will be officially co-opted at the September meeting. Ian has lived in the village for many years and I am sure, is well known to many of you. Thanks also go to the other resident who expressed interest – unfortunately on this occasion he was not successful, but it is good to see people come forward.
Speed monitoring should have taken place this month in the village although it may be some time before the results have been passed on.
Arrangements are in hand for new notice boards (which may well be in place by the time you read this).
September also sees the Parish Council looking at options to include on the Local transport Plan for 2016-2017. In the past, this has included a path from Ovington as well as improving the road.

The next Parish Council meeting is on 17th September at 7.15pm.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Parish News - July 2015

The Parish Council is looking to employ a “handy person” on a casual basis. This will be for general tidying up around the village – sweeping, weeding etc. Please contact the Clerk or any Councillor for further information.
In preparation for the Ice and Fire Flower Festival this month, planters will be placed near The Hill, the Reading Room and Church entrance.
Some interest has been received for the Parish Councillor vacancy. This will be discussed at the next meeting and hopefully, someone will be co-opted shortly.
The Home Group Housing have been contacted regarding recent graffiti on the tarmac and ground maintenance in the Bewick Lane area and following a site visit with residents and Councillor Jordon, action will be taken.

The next meeting will be on 16th July at 7.15pm in the Reading Room. There will be no meeting in August.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Monday, 22 June 2015

Parish News - June 2015

Cllr Jordon was re-elected Chair of the Parish Council at the May meeting and Ian Heslop, Vice Chair. A vacancy has arisen on the Parish Council as a result of the resignation of Christine Hewitt due to other commitments. Although she had not been a Councillor for very long, her input has been very much appreciated. Please contact the Clerk, or any of the other (7) Councillors if you would like to know more about what is involved in the role of a Parish Councillor.
By now, you will be aware that the bridge will not re-open until the end of October at the earliest.
Quotes are still being sought for notice boards. Speed monitoring by the Police has been requested although no further details has been received yet. Following a meeting at the lay by on the Wylam Road, proposals have been agreed to place large boulders at the back of the entrance to discourage fly tipping. Damaged kerbstones have been reported and the blocked drains on the Wylam Road.
The next Parish Council meeting is on 16th July at 7.15pm.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Monday, 11 May 2015

Parish News - May 2014

Complaints have been received about displaying posters on trees in the village, especially those on Horsley Road. Whilst the Parish Council acknowledges that there is a wide range of activities going on, and posters are a good reminder for people, they cannot condone putting posters on trees. Of course, it may not be posters advertising village events which have appeared on the trees but they would ask that people keep an eye out for this. The Parish Council are also going to consider purchasing two more notice boards, which may help the problem.
Work is still about 7 weeks behind schedule on Ovingham Bridge. Unfortunately, this is expected to increase due to additional truss repairs although weekend work will continue which may help.
Work to the stepping stones has been completed. County Council are to be asked about the state of the wall near Wellburn and the tree which has had a barrier in place for many months after part of the wall was removed due to it being damaged. This is an eyesore and is clearly just a temporary solution. County Council have also been asked to check the hole near the drain at the back of the Church which has gradually increased in size. Fly tipping has become a problem on the layby on the Wylam Road and solutions are being looked at.

The next Parish Council meeting is on 21th May at 7.15pm.
Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Parish News - April 2015

The Parish Council have purchased a stone trough which is now in place by the telephone box. Current village tubs are in a good state of repair so do not need replacing. Amongst agreed projects, the Councillors hope to plant daffodils/snowdrops on the bank by the bungalows on Piper Road. They have also agreed, subject to cost, to a regular village tidy up to include hedge trimming, weeds, etc. The “Burma Bridge” had to be removed from the playing field (health & safety) and options are being considered although funding may be available for this. They will look further at employing a village maintenance person too and have asked local parishes for details. Other ideas are being considered but further details and costs are needed before a decision can be made.
Donations were given to Northumberland Citizens Advice Bureau, Tynedale Hospice at Home and the Great North Air Ambulance. Requests are received from such organisations on an annual basis and duly considered. A donation was also proposed, and agreed, to be given to the Church Heating Fund.
A volunteer has come forward to audit the accounts, for which I am very grateful. No arm twisting either! Huge thanks to Richard Gilbert for doing these for the last few years – he has done an excellent job.

The next Parish Council meeting is on 16th April at 7.15pm.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Monday, 16 March 2015

Parish News - March 2015

March sees the end of the financial year for Ovingham Parish Council and they hope to look at some village projects including replacing village flower tubs and perhaps some additional ones. They will also be considering employing someone on a casual basis to be the village maintenance person. More news next month as at the time of writing this, the March meeting has not been held.
The Bridge continues to experience delays. Unfortunately there is still no date, or approximate date, when it will re-open.
A grit bin has been replaced at the bottom of Horsley Road – in bad weather this area can especially be a hazard for pedestrians.
A volunteer is still needed to audit the accounts. Please do get in touch with myself or any Parish Councillor.

The next Parish Council meeting is on 19th March at 7.15pm.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Friday, 20 February 2015

Village Tour

The council is constantly pursuing issues aimed at keeping our village a nice place for everyone to live in. You can now see many of these issues on the 'Village Tour' pages. Look up the 'What We Do' page and click on the three links to next to the heading 'Village Tour'.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Please help!

Each year, the accounts of the Parish Council are audited and we rely on a volunteer to do an “internal” check before they are sent to the external auditor, BDO. On average, there are less than 100 transactions a year, and the audit check is fairly straightforward – you do not need to be an accountant! If you think you can help, or for more information, please contact the Clerk, Margaret Davenport on 835771 or email

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Bridge Refurbishment

Just a reminder that the engineers are keeping a blog with interesting information and photos about what's happening with the bridge refurbishment.
If nothing else, the blog clearly outlines just how involved and thorough the job is.
Click on this link below, then look for the link under 'Latest News' which starts 'See the blog for the latest ...'.

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Parish News - January 2015

Following our January meeting the next parish Council meeting will be on March 19th as there is no meeting in February.
By then, the Councillors will have submitted a response to the Local Development Plan (Northumberland County Council) and attended meetings and/or roadshows in connection with it.

At the time of writing this, no decision has yet been made regarding the interactive unit on Castle View as costs are still awaited. However, County Council have confirmed that the 30mph speed limit sign cannot be moved further down the hill in the direction of Wylam as it does not meet their criteria for relocation. It is hoped a site meeting with Highways Department will confirm that the interactive unit can be moved.

Northumberland County Council have also been contacted and asked that grass protection mesh can be considered as a possibility (to protect the grass verges) on Horsley Road if tarmac is considered too expensive in widening the drives to ease parking.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council