The Parish Council is looking to employ a “handy person” on a
casual basis. This will be for general tidying up around the village
– sweeping, weeding etc. Please contact the Clerk or any Councillor
for further information.
In preparation for the Ice and Fire Flower Festival this month,
planters will be placed near The Hill, the Reading Room and Church
Some interest has been received for the Parish Councillor vacancy.
This will be discussed at the next meeting and hopefully, someone
will be co-opted shortly.
The Home Group Housing have been contacted regarding recent
graffiti on the tarmac and ground maintenance in the Bewick Lane area
and following a site visit with residents and Councillor Jordon,
action will be taken.
The next meeting will be on 16th July at 7.15pm in the Reading Room. There will be no meeting in August.
Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council