Following our January meeting the next parish Council meeting will be on March 19th
as there is no meeting in February.
By then, the Councillors will have submitted a response to the
Local Development Plan (Northumberland County Council) and attended
meetings and/or roadshows in connection with it.
At the time of writing this, no decision has yet been made
regarding the interactive unit on Castle View as costs are still
awaited. However, County Council have confirmed that the 30mph speed
limit sign cannot be moved further down the hill in the direction of
Wylam as it does not meet their criteria for relocation. It is hoped
a site meeting with Highways Department will confirm that the
interactive unit can be moved.
Northumberland County Council have also been contacted and asked
that grass protection mesh can be considered as a possibility (to
protect the grass verges) on Horsley Road if tarmac is considered too
expensive in widening the drives to ease parking.
Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council