Monday, 22 June 2015

Parish News - June 2015

Cllr Jordon was re-elected Chair of the Parish Council at the May meeting and Ian Heslop, Vice Chair. A vacancy has arisen on the Parish Council as a result of the resignation of Christine Hewitt due to other commitments. Although she had not been a Councillor for very long, her input has been very much appreciated. Please contact the Clerk, or any of the other (7) Councillors if you would like to know more about what is involved in the role of a Parish Councillor.
By now, you will be aware that the bridge will not re-open until the end of October at the earliest.
Quotes are still being sought for notice boards. Speed monitoring by the Police has been requested although no further details has been received yet. Following a meeting at the lay by on the Wylam Road, proposals have been agreed to place large boulders at the back of the entrance to discourage fly tipping. Damaged kerbstones have been reported and the blocked drains on the Wylam Road.
The next Parish Council meeting is on 16th July at 7.15pm.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council