The Councillors are considering the possibility of a further lay-by on
Horsley Road to ease parking and preserve the grass verges. This is
very much in the early stages and the residents in that area have
been asked for their views. County Councillor Kelly has been asked to
look at options.
Trees to the entrance of Whittle Dene, in the wooded area, have
been reported to County Council as concerns have been expressed as to
how safe they are and the Parish Council has asked for them to be
removed. The County Council will follow this up with the land owner.
A village tidy up is to take place in June, and it is hoped as
many residents as possible will help. Details will be circulated.
Green Ovingham recently conducted a successful litter pick for which
the Councillors are very grateful.
A recent article in the Hexham Courant regarding “amenity”
land in Wylam has prompted the Councillors to look at similar plots
in Ovingham and seek reassurances from Northumberland County Council
that such areas will remain in County Council’s ownership.
ISOS have been asked to investigate the possibility of the road
being widened in Windsor Crescent to allow cars to drive through
without damaging parked cars and the grassed areas.
Some playing field equipment has been repaired including the
Willow Maze. The Mower has at long last also been repaired and Cllr
Holden can often be seen whizzing around the playing field.
The next meeting is Thursday, 19th June at 7.15pm in
the Reading Room.
Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council