Thursday, 22 May 2014

Litter Thrown From Cars

Local authorities nationally spend millions of pounds every year clearing up litter. A significant amount is thrown out of cars. The cost of clearing it up could be spent on something more beneficial. NCC are trying to do something about this and we have received the following message from them.

Enforcement Officers from Neighbourhood Services have been looking at the issue of litter thrown from vehicles (including cigarette ends) which can be a persistent problem in certain locations but can also occur literally anywhere where there are roads. They have designed a reporting form which contains all of the details that they need to take an incident further. This may ultimately result in Fixed Penalty Notices being issued. I attach a copy of the form for your information and use should you need to report an incident. Please do forward the form to any interested parties in your community.
Yours sincerely ,
Iain Hedley
Locality Development Officer

Enforcement Officers obviously can't be everywhere always so they are encouraging all of us to help them. The form below (click to enlarge) can be printed off or you can get a paper copy by contacting the clerk or one of the councillors.