Saturday, 12 April 2014

Parish News - April 2014

The proposed date for Ovingham Bridge closure is 28th May – further information will be made available on notice boards and the website once available. A large sign is by the Bridge and no doubt this will be updated as the date draws nearer. You may have noticed that stone bollards have been removed to allow easier access to the Bridge End Car Park, a hard-core track has been laid across the village green and a small car parking area for 6 cars has been constructed.
Dog fouling has also been reported to Ovingham Burial Committee who are looking at the issue. Posters have been displayed around the village to remind owners to pick up after their pets.
The Village inspection in February highlighted many issues which needed attention and these are gradually being completed. Potholes are being filled in, blocked drains cleared, overhanging hedges and branches cut back. Parking on Horsley Road, on the grassed areas, continues to be monitored – a possible solution being a further parking bay similar to that outside the Old Police House.
The Parish Council decided to donate £50 each to Tynedale Hospice at Home, Great North Air Ambulance, West Northumberland CAB, TOMA Fund (local children’s cancer charity) and Carers Northumberland as part of their agreed budget.

And lastly, but by no means least, Val Mennear has decided to stand down as a Parish Councillor. After 31 years she will be sorely missed. During this time she has been involved in many committees, latterly being the Chair of the Burial Board Committee. The Councillors thank her for her invaluable input over the years and wish her a long and happy “retirement”!

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council