Monday, 24 May 2010

The Playing Field Lease

Good news!

We've just received confirmation that the new lease on the playing field has been extended for another 27 years.

The field is owned by Northumberland Estates (the Duke of Northumberland in everyday language) and has been leased to Ovingham Parish Council since the late 60's.

The existing lease was due to expire in only a few years and we needed to extend it (amongst other things) in order to qualify for the substantial grants that are on offer for the refurbishment of the play equipment.

The new lease runs from 29 April 2010 for 27 years. As you might guess, there are some caveats but all being well, youngsters and their families will be able to continue to enjoy the facilities for years to come.

Watch out for more details of the play equipment project here and with leaflet drops over the next few weeks.