Our Parish Council Meeting on 15th April contained everything.
First there was a power point demonstration from the Fire and Rescue Service when the Council was informed about the new building in Prudhoe which will be more modern, more user friendly and more integrated within the community. Those present raised the question of how long it would take to get from Prudhoe to Ovingham in the event of a fire. We were told, at the most 10 minutes, but the meeting still felt that was quite optimistic!
Are you a "Village Champion"? We were told that there were many of them in Ovingham. And how do you become a "Village Champion"? You become responsible for a small area of the village and make sure that you clear any litter which arises. If you want to know more about "Village Champions" please have a word with Doreen Jordon. In the meantime, thank you to all those who care enough for the village to make sure it is kept clear of litter.
The Council has had complaints about children playing on green areas close to housing. Whilst not wanting to spoil children's fun the Council would point out that there is a good recreation ground with plenty of space where they can play. Please would all dog owners who walk their dogs on the recreation ground ensure that they clear up after them. In the meantime, the dog wardens have promised to patrol the recreation ground and try to ensure that this unsocial behaviour stops.
Northumberland County Council were congratulated on their speedy action during the latest flood alert. They were at the Packhorse Bridge within half an hour of them being called. It is hoped that Highways will be starting soon on repairing the pot holes on the Wylam/Ovingham Road and they will be using a new experimental way to fill the holes - it will be more expensive but should last longer and be more efficient.
The Council were delighted to approve a donation to the Great North Air Ambulance.
Once again the Council has concerns about the speed of cars using the bridge. It seems that few people keep to the speed limit of 10 mph and the Council is to request a survey be carried out by the police. At the same time the noise which arises from the traffic is giving some concern. An inspection will be requested.
Our next meeting will be held in the Reading Room on Thursday 27 May at 7.15 p.m.