Thursday, 3 June 2010

Ovingham Parish Notes - May 2010

The Annual Parish Meeting took place on 27 May when Councillor Turnbull was re-elected as Chairman and Councillor Jordon as Vice Chairman. Councillor Jordon was elected as the Council's representative on the Reading Room Committee, Councillors Macdonald and Mennear to the Burial Committee and Councillor Holden as the representative Associate Governor to Prudhoe High School.

The Chairman thanked all the Councillors for all they did and also the members of the public who attend the meetings so faithfully and contribute so much. It must always be remembered that Councillors do much in the village and the work is voluntary. Councillor Macdonald expressed special thanks to Councillor Holden who has done so much for so many years for the young people of the village and Councillor Jordon for creating many areas of beauty throughout. He hoped that it might be possible to acknowledge this publicly by, perhaps, a plaque or some other sign.

A letter has been received showing concern over the parking at the rear of the church. Parking is always a problem in the village - because there is so little space but the Council would ask everybody that when they park at the rear of the Church they do so with care and consideration. Sometimes it seems as though one car carelessly parked can take up the space of two or three. Also there have been times when the refuse van has been unable to get round and then bins don't get emptied. Concern was expressed because in the event of a serious incident it could be impossible for emergency services to get to the problem.

Work is proceeding on the Playbuilder project and Councillor Holden is going out to tender. All the legal details have now been finalised for the 27-year lease on the field and it is hoped that when plans have proceeded a little further it will be possible to have an open day for the village who will then be able to see the progress.

Concern is still being expressed on the burn and prevention of further flooding. It is hoped that the NCC Western Area Mainteance Manager and a representative from the Environmental Agency will be able to come to an on site meeting to discuss the building up of stones in the burn. The burn is just one contributary factor to flooding and it is hoped that these can be sorted out before the winter.

The Council apologises that sometimes the "date of the next meeting" is not correct. This is unavoidable as there are times when there are external factors which make it necessary to change the date after the "deadline for publication". However, we hope that the next meeting will be held on 15 July at 7.15 in the Reading Room.