Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Parish Council Notes - March 2010

The Councillors met on 18 March, though the meeting was fairly short owing to its closeness to the February meeting.

Phil Holden has now received all the funding required to be able to proceed with the Play Equipment Project on the Playing Field. A new 27 year lease for the field has been signed and quotations will now be obtained for the venture to go forward. A presentation is planned in the pavilion where everybody will be able to see the intended plans.

Correspondence had been received concerning the Boundary Commission's electoral areas. The Council was glad to note that this has made no difference to Ovingham.

The East Centre has had to cut back its youth work through lack of funding. It is hoped that there may be some form of mobile facility covering villages in the area though this has not been finalised.

Unfortunately, due to financial cut-backs Northumberland is no longer able to provide the village with bedding plants or hanging baskets (these were given to the schools).

The dog warden has been working around the village and there have been some new stickers put up. It is hoped these may remind dog owners that they can be fined very heavily if they allow their dogs to foul the pavements or the playing field.