There were many items of Parish Maintenance which were discussed at the February meeting and it is hoped that those which depend upon work to be undertaken by Northumberland County Council can be done. Although it was good to see that some road maintenance had been carried out on the Wylam/Ovingham Road some scepticism was felt as to whether the patching would last for any length of time.
The Council is still concerned with branches and hedges which overhang pavements and would ask all residents to cut these back wherever possible. Also there is much concern over dog fouling in the village. This is becoming more and more prevalent throughout the village. The fines are very heavy if the dog owners are caught and the only way for this anti social behaviour to be stopped is for the public to note and report the offence to: Stephen Hall or Neil Armstrong, Animal Welfare Officers (new title).
Councillor Holden was congratulated on achieving much of the funding required for the Playbuilder funding application. The Council had pleasure in agreeing unanimously to the proposal to accept the terms of the new lease of Ovingham Playing Field.
There had been a request for another notice board to be placed at the entrance of the Piper Road Estate. The Council did not feel this was necessary as being too near the existing notice board. There was discussion as to what notices were acceptable and the Council would point out that it is a Parish Council Notice Board and the PC notices must take precedence. However, suitable village notices, providing there is room, can be placed there and it is appreciated that when they are out of date they be removed.
The litter pick has been held and the valiant souls who turned out in very wet conditions made big inroads on the litter. Of course, it would be better if the litter wasn't dropped in the first place. Have you ever considered making yourself responsible for just keeping one small area free of rubbish in the village?