Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Missed Bin Collection

Due to a vehicle breakdown, the bins weren't collected on Tuesday this week. NCC inform us that they will be collected on Friday 18th November. You are asked to leave your bins out if it is safe or represent them on Friday before 7am.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016


Rumour making reference to the footbridge closing.
Northumberland County Council have made no plans to close Ovingham Footbridge.
This is just a rumour.
D Jordon - Chair of Ovingham Parish Council

Monday, 10 October 2016

Parish News - October 2016

Two bus shelters will be erected in the village – a “canopy” type shelter on the south side of Castle View, by the Notice Board and a more traditional enclosed shelter by the entrance to Piper Road Estate. The Parish Council will fund one shelter - the other will be funded by an extremely generous donation from a resident for which the Parish Council is extremely grateful. At the time of writing I cannot confirm when the shelters will be installed but it should be before the winter.
Now the bridge has re-opened, a traffic speed survey has been requested. This will focus on the three main entrances to the village and a further one half way along Castle View.
Malcolm Cairns will be the “Village News” correspondent for the Hexham Courant. His email address is: - Many thanks to all those who had expressed an interest.

November’s meeting will be on the17th, the last one for 2016.
Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Thursday, 29 September 2016

New Contact for Ovingham Village Notes

There's a new Hexham Courant contact for organisations wanting to publicise their activities. Your pieces will be published under the 'Village Notes - Ovingham' heading and you should email them to Malcolm Cairns at :-

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

A New Mobile App

Residents may be interested in the following information received from NCC recently.
Dear colleague

As you may have seen in the press NCC has launched a new app that can be used, from a mobile phone, to report issues and incidents to Northumberland County Council.

The mobile app, ‘MyStreet Northumberland’, was designed by the Safer Northumberland Partnership and Improving Croft and Cowpen Quay (ICCQ) using feedback from the recent “12 Streets” campaign which focused on identifying issues affecting twelve streets in Cowpen Quay and putting in long-term solutions. 

Residents throughout Northumberland can download the new app and use it to access information on a number of problems such as anti-social behaviour, noise, litter, street lighting and roads all in one place. From here, app users can access advice or report specific incidents to the council who will work with services and partners to support residents.

The app is free to download onto iPhone, Android, Windows and Blackberry devices by searching ‘MyStreet Northumberland’ in the app store.

You can read more at:

Gareth Davies
Engagement Manager
Northumberland County Council

Friday, 9 September 2016

The Bywell Road.

NCC has permission to enter the land at Bywell landslip.
Construction of the realigned road will commence next week with the setting up of the site compound.

Friday, 2 September 2016

The Bridge !

Residents will no doubt be pleased to hear that the bridge - at long last - is to be opened to traffic at 12 noon on 5th September 2016.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

NCC Letter re DIY waste.

Please click on the image to see it full size.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Bridge Works

For Information -
The Environment Agency will be working upstream of the Ovingham Bridge removing  debris, tree branches and tree trunks from Monday 23rd May.
Not sure how long the work will take 
Large machinery will be being used, signs will be in place warning of the danger and area will be coned off.
Please take care.
Thank you
Doreen Jordon ( Chair of Parish Council )

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Parish News - May 2016

Following requests from residents, the Parish Council contacted GoNorthEast asking them to make the stop at The White Swan a permanent one. The Parish Council felt that it was much safer to alight at the White Swan than by the Reading Room and the bus company have agreed.
There is still a vacancy for a Councillor on the Parish Council. Please contact myself if you are interested or require any further information.
Quotes are awaited for, amongst others, a path from the top of Horsley Road to the bungalows on the bend. Unfortunately, the priority for County Council at the moment is pot holes (which they had been on top of until the floods). Pot Holes can be reported on line ( or to any Councillor.
The May meeting is the annual meeting when chair and vice chair and representations to committees are elected. The May meeting is on the 19th at 7.15pm.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Musicians Wanted

Musicians wanted for the Tall Ships Regatta

Organisers are calling for local musicians to pitch for a chance to play at one of the biggest events ever held in Northumberland.

The North Sea Tall Ships Regatta Blyth 2016 is being held over the August Bank Holiday and will feature five zones of free family entertainment including music and theatre.
Up for grabs are spaces on stages at venues including the beach amphitheatre and bandstand, and the Dun Cow Quay.
There are also opportunities for buskers - solo artists and duos – to play up to 30-minute slots at designated spots across the town from the beach and park to the town centre and quayside.
To join the festival fun as a musician, please apply at the Tall Ships Blyth website: www.tallshipsblyth2016.

The deadline for applications is 9.00am on Tuesday 3 May.

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Parish News - April 2016

Unfortunately, Lou Moore has resigned as Parish Councillor and she will be sorely missed. Lou wants to focus on helping local groups such as the Toddlers and Playing Fields Committee. Early days yet but it is hoped that someone will be co-opted soon.
The Parish Council have ordered two new litter bins – one to replace that which was vandalised by the Church bus stop and also to put one by the gate into the field opposite the First School. It is hoped that the latter will help with dog fouling which continues to be a wide problem. There are instances of dog waste bags being used but left by the paths or hanging from bushes/branches. The dog warden will also be monitoring the problem. Please contact the Parish Council if there is an area in the village which is particularly bad.
As an experiment, Green Ovingham will be sowing wild flowers in parts of the village – Horsley Road and on the Playing Fields and a small area on Castle View by the steps to the river. Depending on its success, more areas may be used next year.
The meeting in May is on the 19th at 7.15pm which is also the Annual meeting of the Parish Council.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Notice of Election

Please click on the image to enlarge.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Parish News - February 2016

Since the last magazine, Lesley Holden has tendered her resignation and co-option is currently underway. She has been a valuable member of the Parish Council and her contributions will be missed.
As a result of the damage caused by the floods, £1000 has been given to the Scout Group. Their recent meeting held in church (as the Old School House had once again been flooded) produced a huge turnout and many offers to help. Fundraising is well under way and I am sure the funds will be raised.
A supply of gel bags has been purchased by the Parish Council and these are available to residents at a reduced price. These bags can be used as an alternative to sand bags and could help to keep flood water at bay. For more information, please contact Councillors Chalmers, Gray or Jordon.
A fence has been installed at the playing field – extending the existing fence to cover a gap in the hedge.

The next meetings will be on Thursday 18th February 2016 followed by 17th March 2016.
Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Vacancy for a Councillor

Please be advised that that there is a vacancy for a councillor -

Friday, 8 January 2016

Bridge Latest January 2015

See the latest on Ovingham Bridge by clicking on the link on the Home Page.