Since the last magazine, Lesley Holden has tendered her
resignation and co-option is currently underway. She has been a
valuable member of the Parish Council and her contributions will be
As a result of the damage caused by the floods, £1000 has been
given to the Scout Group. Their recent meeting held in church (as the
Old School House had once again been flooded) produced a huge turnout
and many offers to help. Fundraising is well under way and I am sure
the funds will be raised.
A supply of gel bags has been purchased by the Parish Council and
these are available to residents at a reduced price. These bags can
be used as an alternative to sand bags and could help to keep flood
water at bay. For more information, please contact Councillors
Chalmers, Gray or Jordon.
A fence has been installed at the playing field – extending the
existing fence to cover a gap in the hedge.
The next meetings will be on Thursday 18th February 2016 followed by 17th March 2016.
Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council