Thursday, 12 May 2016

Parish News - May 2016

Following requests from residents, the Parish Council contacted GoNorthEast asking them to make the stop at The White Swan a permanent one. The Parish Council felt that it was much safer to alight at the White Swan than by the Reading Room and the bus company have agreed.
There is still a vacancy for a Councillor on the Parish Council. Please contact myself if you are interested or require any further information.
Quotes are awaited for, amongst others, a path from the top of Horsley Road to the bungalows on the bend. Unfortunately, the priority for County Council at the moment is pot holes (which they had been on top of until the floods). Pot Holes can be reported on line ( or to any Councillor.
The May meeting is the annual meeting when chair and vice chair and representations to committees are elected. The May meeting is on the 19th at 7.15pm.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council