Costs are still awaited for moving the interactive sign on Castle
View. Checks will also need to be made with Highways Department to
confirm it is possible. County Council have confirmed that the
request to move the 30mph sign will be put on the “Local Transport
Plan” for consideration, but they have been asked to give the
Parish Council an estimate of the cost and when this is received, the
Parish Council may consider paying for the sign to be moved out of
their budget rather than wait for County Council to do it.
Many thanks to Bob Klotz who has restored the Millennium Bench on
the Pack Horse Green. Over 14 years since this bench was purchased
for the Millennium – how time flies!
The drain on Castle View is still causing problems – a request
has been submitted to put a camera down to try and establish what is
causing it.
Work on the bridge is a further 2 weeks behind schedule –
hopefully there will be no more delays but unfortunately, problems
often arise only when work starts or progresses.
The first Parish Council meeting of the New Year is on 15th
January at 7.15pm in the Blackett Room.
Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council