Saturday, 14 December 2013

Christmas Carol Concert

Our vicar Eric, informs us that this year's Carol Concert will take place at 4:30pm on Sunday 22nd December in the Church. All the participants are under 18 and they have decided to send the proceeds of the retiring collection to Christian Aid's Philippines Fund. Click on the image for full details.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Parish News - December 2013

Councillors had a very informative site meeting with and engineer from County Council regarding the closure of Ovingham Bridge. As the date for closure nears, more information will become available but it is anticipated work will begin in February when scaffolding is erected, although the road bridge will not close to traffic until April. The pedestrian bridge will close for a week for refurbishment, but the road bridge will be pedestrian only during this period.

Following their recent inspection of the village, a request has been submitted to the County Council asking them to cut back overgrowth etc. and also to inform them of uneven pavements, potholes and the like. The Councillors will continue to monitor the village on a regular basis.

A fence has been installed in the gap in the hedge between the playing field and the cemetery. Repairs have been carried out to the shutters at the Pavilion and also to some play equipment.

The Horse chestnut tree in the Churchyard should have been removed by the time you read this – a Horse Chestnut has also been felled at the entrance to Piper Road. The Parish Council had been informed by County Council’s tree officer, that they were diseased.

The First meeting of the year will be on Thursday, 16th January at 7.15 in the Reading Room.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Housing Benefit & Council Tax Support

Please click on the image below for information regarding advice on Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Road Closure - Windsor Crescent

Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 - Section 14
As Amended by Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991
Temporary Road Closure - U8267 Windsor Crescent, Ovingham
For your information the County Council intends making an Order under the above Act to prohibit the use by vehicular traffic on that section of the U8267 Windsor Crescent, Ovingham in the County of Northumberland.
The Temporary Order is to be effective from the 09th of December 2013 until the 03rd of January 2014.
It is expected that the road will only be closed from the 09th of December 2013 until the 10th of December 2013 between 08:00 and 17:00 hours each day.
The alternative route for vehicular traffic will be via Piper Road.
The closure has been requested by Northumberland County Council in order to resurface the carriageway.
Kind Regards
Andrew Douglas
TTRO Officer (Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders)

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Parish News - November 2013

Still no further news regarding a new Councillor to replace Kevin Piper. This can take time but I am sure someone will be appointed soon.
       At the October meeting, Ken Rusby gave an updated account regarding the application recently submitted by SCA which, due to its location, affects Ovingham. The Parish Council are grateful for his help on this topic as well as that of Bob Klotz and Neville Gray. Councillor Phil Holden has become our representative on the SCA Forum.
      As reported in the November magazine, grass cutting next year will be undertaken by a private contractor. The Councillors’ had received 3 quotes and made their decision in October.
Highways department have been asked to place road markings in the village such as “SLOW” to help combat speeding. Other proposals are double yellow lines by Model Cottage/Tynedale Gardens entrance as visibility is poor when exiting from here due to the number of parked cars.
      As a result of a request from Green Ovingham, Councillor Jordon had been in touch with Adam Keen, Recycling Officer at NCC, regarding proposals for a bottle bank. Although such a facility can be mobile, a lack of possible sites continues to be a problem.  
      It is hoped that a quarterly Newsletter will be up and running soon. The Parish Council have agreed to cover the estimated costs of the first issue and trust that it will be a successful venture and well supported by the Village.
    There is no meeting planned for December and on behalf of Ovingham Parish Council, may I pass on the compliments of the season to you all.
     Margaret Davenport
     Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Monday, 28 October 2013

The Youth Bus is coming

Youngsters will be interested to know that the Youth Service bus is is coming to the playing field on Thursday 31st October. The West Northumberland Youth Service is hoping to set up a series of visits with activities which are attractive to a range of our young people.
Click on the image to find full details.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Parish Council Vacancy


Notice is hereby given that by reason of the resignation of KEVIN PIPER a vacancy has occurred among the members of the Parish Council. Any person willing to fill this vacancy should apply to the Clerk in writing on or before the 7th November 2013. The applicant's name must appear on the current register of the Voters List or the applicant should during the whole of the twelve months preceding the relevant date have resided in the parish. The applicant must not be debarred from standing as a Councillor.

PUBLIC elections cannot be held until the year 2017 but for the interim period the present sitting Councillors may co-opt to fill the vacancy.

Please apply, in no more than 250 words, why you wish to become a Parish Councillor.

Clerk: Mrs M. Davenport
Address: Jubilee Cottage, Ovington, Northumberland, NE42 6DH
Date: 23rd October 2013

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Parish News - October 2013

Kevin Piper has resigned as Parish Councillor due to business commitments. Although there are procedures to follow, hopefully by the time you read this, the Parish Council will have its full complement again.
Grass cutting continues to be monitored. The Councillors are keeping an eye on the service and following up concerns. Consideration is being given to using private contractors for land owned by the Parish Council but currently cut by the County Council.
As previously mentioned, repairs have been carried out in front of the shop and this has been much appreciated. However, there are still concerns about parking on double yellow lines and/or the pavement and the Civilian Traffic Enforcement Officers have been asked to visit.
Essential repairs are being carried out to some play equipment on the Playing Fields

You may have noticed some of our Councillors out and about recently. They are surveying the village for potholes, weeds, signs etc. and have each been given their own “patch” to monitor. They plan to do this twice a year although any problems in the interim can and will be reported.

Cllr Richardson is to be our representative on a working Transport Group which includes other local Parish and Town Councils.
Notice has been given of a “Northumberland Music Festival” taking place between 8th November and the 24th at Doxford Hall, Guyzance Hall and Eshott Hall. For more information please ring 01668 283100 or visit

Our next meeting is on Thursday, 21st November at 7.15pm in the Blackett Room. There is no meeting planned for December.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Monday, 30 September 2013

Vacancy on the Parish Council

A vacancy has arisen due to the resignation of Cllr Kevin Piper. If you are interested in putting yourself forward please follow the information in the official notification below. This form can also be found on the parish council notice boards and at the Reading Room.
Please click on the image to enlarge.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Northumberland Music Festival

The third Northumberland Music Festival returns this autumn to three of Northumberland’s finest country houses: Guyzance Hall, Doxford Hall and Eshott Hall.
Begun in 2011, the Festival has attracted music lovers from across the region. This year’s programme features full performances of La Boheme, and Gary Wilmot, one of Britain’s most popular Musical Theatre singers. Also presented are choral, traditional music, jazz and the classic Broadway of Rogers and Hammerstein.

The Festival will take place between November 8th and November 24th, and all of the performances take place over three weekends. Tickets are being sold with dinner or lunch included.
Performers from the North of England continue to take key roles in the Festival, proving that it’s not just the land and people that are in perfect harmony. See for more details or phone 01668 283100.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Parish News - September 2013

Notification has been received that there will be an “improved” bus service through Ovingham - the new “Tynedale Express” X84 and X85. One bus an hour (X85) will call at Horsley, and one an hour (X84) will call at Ovington, Ovingham and Wylam replacing the existing 684 service. The buses will be modern, larger and more accessible including room for wheelchairs and buggies. Introductory special fares will be on offer for a period. Cllr Holden will display timetables at the bus stops.
Grass cutting continues to be monitored. The Councillors are keeping an eye on the service and following up concerns.  
As previously mentioned, repairs have been carried out in front of the shop and this has been much appreciated. However, there are still concerns about parking on double yellow lines and/or the pavement and the Civilian Traffic Enforcement Officers have been asked to visit.
Permission has been granted to fell 3 trees by the allotments. Photos had to be submitted to the Planning department of the trees concerned, which the Clerk and Chair achieved with difficulty!
Due to unforeseen circumstances, PC Cross, Community officer, will not be able to attend a Parish Council meeting until November.  
Cllr Richardson is to be our representative on a working Transport Group which includes other local Parish and Town Councils.
Our next meeting is on Thursday, 17th October, and the November meeting is scheduled for 21st November – both at 7.15pm in the Blackett Room.
Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Thursday, 5 September 2013

New Timetable for 684 Bus

Starting on 9th September the 684 bus which runs between Hexham and Newcastle is being re-vamped. It will now be called the X84 and GO North East which operate the service promise significant improvements. Residents should have received a flier which details the changes but just in case you don't have it, here is a condensed version. Click on the image below to enlarge it and perhaps save it to your computer.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Parish News - August 2013

Since the last magazine, the Parish Council have received reassurances, from Northumberland County Council, that the pedestrian bridge will remain open whilst work is carried out on the bridge next year.
Hopefully, extra notices will be displayed warning cyclists to dismount.
Repairs to the uneven paving outside the Shop will have been carried out by now. This will tidy the area up and hopefully, prevent tumbles etc.
Planning application has been submitted to fell 3 trees which overshadow part of the allotments. The application is required as the trees are in a conservation area.
Overhanging branches by River View were preventing grass contractors from Northumberland County Council from cutting part of the grass. Northumberland Estates are responsible for cutting back part of them, as was a local resident who has already attended to it.
Branches were also obstructing the interactive sign along Castle View so a request has been made to trim back.
A Village newsletter is still being considered but the Councillors are keen to involve as many groups/people as possible as they do not see it as a “Parish Council” newsletter.
Community Officer PC Cross has been invited to attend the September meeting as Councillor Piper is keen to look at crime prevention. This meeting will be on September 19th at 7.15pm in the Reading Room (Blackett Room).
The Village Plan is being updated. Concerns about speeding and parking continue to be monitored. Parts of the Village lack signs and requests will be lodged to the County Council as appropriate.
Work should have commenced at the Cemetery Lodge in August to rectify problems with damp and drains. The Cemetery is managed by the Parish Councils of Ovingham, Ovington, Wylam and Horsley who have all pledged extra financial aid for this essential work.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

SureStart Play Van

The SureStart Play Van is visiting Ovingham Playing Field on 31st July and 14th August from 1pm to 3pm.
When it came last week, it was brim full of exciting things for toddlers to do.
The weather looks good so get on down there with your toddlers for a fun couple of hours!

Monday, 15 July 2013

Friday, 12 July 2013

Parish News - July 2013

In line with the majority of other Parish Councils, Ovingham have introduced a new format to their meetings. Each meeting will commence with an “open surgery” where issues can be raised by residents before the meeting starts. Such issues can of course, be brought to the attention of any of the Councillors or Clerk before then.

Councillors are looking at the possibility of introducing a village newsletter – it’s at the early stage but they are keen to do so.

Whilst the Councillors recognise that the majority of dog owners are responsible, in an attempt to encourage others to clean up after their pets, free doggie bags will be available at various points in the village, including by the Playing Fields and entrances to the Dene as well as the Village Shop.

Assurances are being sought that the pedestrian bridge will remain open whilst repair work is done next year and that it will be “off limits” to cycling, (they must dismount to cross which they should do anyway).

The stepping-stones near the Pack Horse Bridge will be reset next year. In the meantime, please be aware of the dangers in using them especially when with children.

There will be no meeting in August but the September meeting will be Thursday 19th September at 7.15pm.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Parish News - June 2013

At the May Parish Council Meeting, Doreen Jordon was elected Chair, and Ian Heslop Vice-Chair.
The Councillors have been allocated to various committees in addition to their Councillor duties and these are:-

Ovingham Joint Burial Committee – Val Mennear and Doreen Jordon
Ovingham Playing Field Users group – Phil Holden and Lesley Richardson
Reading Room Committee – Kevin Piper
East Tynedale Town & Parish Forum – Lou Moore and Doreen Jordon
Prudhoe Partnership – Hazel Chalmers.

Unfortunately, it is now extremely unlikely that planning permission would be granted for the proposed seat by the bus stop at the Church so the Councillors decided not to pursue this any further. It was originally suggested by Mr and Mrs Frank Atkinson, who had very kindly offered to fund it, so the Councillors will contact them to see if they want the seat in an alternative spot in the village.

Funding has been confirmed to “refurbish” Ovingham Bridge. At the time of writing, no date has been agreed but hopefully may start soon.
Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Monday, 27 May 2013

Fund Raising Gig Night

The gig night organised by OPPFUG to raise funds for the village family fun day on 20th July was a roaring success.
The resident band, The Bridge End  fronted by Justin, had everyone up dancing. Guest spots by Chris & Paul, Dennis & Clive and the inimitable poet Scottie had the packed audience in raptures.
The 'Pluck a Duck' tombola sold out as did the raffle. The sumptuous buffet, put on by Lou, Lesley and Irene, was scoffed in no time.
All told, the evening raised just over £300. So many thanks to so many people - including those who generously donated prizes.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Family Fun Day

To raise funds for the family fun day in July, the Bridge End Inn and their resident band Bridge End are staging a spectacular evening of entertainment ... and spectacular food.
It's on Sunday 26th May and starts at 8pm.

Be there ...  or miss it!

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Parish News - May 2013

Welcome to the four new Parish Councillors. Because of the recent election, Hazel Chalmers, Lou Moore, Kevin Piper and Lesley Richardson will be joining existing Councillors Ian Heslop, Phil Holden, Doreen Jordon and Val Mennear. A new chair will have been elected at the May meeting and I will let you know the details in the July magazine. Thanks must go to outgoing Councillors, Margaret Turnbull, Paul MacDonald, Joanna Jackson and Richard Benjamin for their hard work and efforts throughout the years.

Planing has been completed behind the church; application needs to be submitted to planning for a proposed seat by the bus stop at the church. The Parish Council obtained a refund from Northumberland County Council of approximately 35% as a result of complaining about the poor standard of grass cuts last year. The BMX track has been upgraded and work should soon be starting on the windows at the Pavilion as well as essential work at the cemetery lodge.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Monday, 6 May 2013

Election Result

The result of the election held on 2nd May has now been published.
The new make-up of Ovingham Parish Council will see four existing councillors re-elected and four newly elected ones.
You can see the full results by clicking on the image below.

Car Wash Success

The recent car wash on the Playing Field was organised by the working party to raise funds for the Family Fun Day planned for 20th July.
It was a huge success and raised the magnificent total of £290. Thanks are due to all who washed and valeted cars (it's understood that they have now dried out), those who came as customers and also to the 'Bacon Buttie' ladies who provided refreshments in the pavilion.

Thanks are also due to Dean who can be seen in this photo discretely advertising the event on the day.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Parish News - April 2013

It has come to the attention of Ovingham Parish Council that there appears to have been fly tipping in the area, particularly along Castle View. Northumberland County Council has also asked that residents report any tyres being dumped in the area, as there seems to be a problem locally. The numbers to ring are either 101 or 0845 600 6400.

By the time you read this, there will be some new faces on the Parish Council. Unless some nominations withdraw, an election will be held on 2nd May at the same time as the County Council election. It is good to see sufficient interest. More details in the next Magazine when the chair person will also have been elected.

The grass cutting season will have started and it is hoped that this is better than last year – something that the Parish Council keep a close eye on.

A copy of the Village Plan will be available in the Reading Room and Church and it is also available to view on the website (

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Parish Council Elections - 2 May 2013

The County Council has published the list of nominations for the forthcoming election.
The list will also be posted on our two notice boards. This list was updated on 12 April 2013 and replaces the earlier list.
Please click on the images to see full size.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Fly Tipping

A recent letter to the parish council from the county council draws our attention to the fact that there is an on-going problem with the illegal fly tipping of tyres in East Tynedale.
NCC, the Police and the Environment Agency have put several measures in place to combat this but members of the public are asked to help by keeping their eyes open and reporting any suspected instances. The letter details various methods of reporting and these are listed below:

  • Call 101 – where tyres or other illegal fly tipping is in the process of being discarded with a reminder that key information such as registration numbers, makes and colours of vehicles , descriptions of people involved are encouraged to be reported
  • Call 0845 6006400 – which is the NCC contact number  where fly tipping or tyre dumps are discovered so that appropriate service can be notified
  • Alternatively use NCC ‘Report it’ link on the website or ASK email  facility to make a report as above
  • Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 or complete report on line. This is a confidential service which has a reward incentive for information leading to the prosecution of offenders.

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Playing Field Family Fun Day

A start has been made arranging another family fun day on the playing field this July.
The team hopes to raise funds in order to keep the day as inexpensive as possible for families.
Our first fundraiser is to be a car wash on the playing field on 21st April from 10am to 1pm.
Click on the poster to see the full details.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Notification of May Elections

As you may know, there will be an election on 2nd May 2013 for parish, town and county councils.
One councillor will be elected to the County Council and eight to Ovingham Parish Council.

Please click on the images below to find full details of the arrangements.
These notices will also be posted on our notice boards.

If you require further details, please contact the Election Office on 01670 624 811 or our parish clerk, Mrs Davenport, on 01661 835 771.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Parish News - March 2013

Unfortunately due to circumstances, by the end of the Parish Council meeting in February, there were only 3 Councillors left and as this did not make up a quorum, part of the agenda had to be put over to the March meeting! Not satisfactory, I know but most of the items were discussed fully up to this point.

This included the possibility of looking at laying tarmac in an area behind the Church for better parking and options for monitoring the parking by the Village shop.

The Parish Council own an area on Tentergarth, which is rented out as allotment gardens. However, one of the tenants reported a landslide involving a tree, it looks like the cost of removing this, and subsequent remedial work could be quite substantial. Safety of course, is the Parish Council’s paramount concern so this will be looked at very carefully.

Cllr Holden has placed some bus timetables by the bus stops in the village and he hopes these are more user friendly for commuters.

The April meeting should be held on the 18th at 7.15 in the Reading Room and the May meeting, which includes the Annual Parish Meeting, on 16th May. This latter date will be the first meeting after the local elections on 2nd May.

Margaret Davenport

Saturday, 2 March 2013

May Elections

NCC have just sent us a leaflet with information which might be of interest to anyone thinking of becoming a local councillor.

Click on the images below to see them full size.

Monday, 11 February 2013

England's Great Litter Count

Keep Britain Tidy are looking for help with their project entitled 'England's Great Litter Count'.
Volunteers and groups are invited to survey the types and brands of litter in their area and KBT will collate and publish the results nationally.
You can find out more and register your interest by following this link:'sGreatLitterCount/Default.aspx

Parish News - February 2013

PC Cross, Community officer, attended the January meeting and spoke about a new speed device unit, which is now available in the local area. He advised he had already received positive feedback from this but it needed time to get the message across to drivers. PC Cross was also hoping to re-educate cyclists when using the bridge over the Tyne and would be liaising with the likes of Sustrans and local schools.

As well as refurbishing/repairing windows at the Pavilion, work is due to start on upgrading the BMX track soon. Grants have been received in part for the BMX track and the Parish Council is only pledging a relatively small amount towards the cost.
Apologies for the incorrect date for the February meeting which will have been held on 14th February and not the 21st as previously stated. I do hope no-one turned up on the 21st!.
Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Pilates & Fitness Training.

Details below of Pilates and Fitness Training in the village. Get fit! Sign up!

Class times are as follow:
Tuesday: 9.30 - 10.30am Pilates @ Old School in Ovingham (term time only)
Wednesday: 8.15 - 9.15pm Pilates @ Old School in Ovingham
Friday: 9.30 - 10.30am Pilates Plus @ Old School in Ovingham (term time only)
Sunday: 9.45 - 10.45am HIT (high intensity training) @ Old School in Ovingham
For more information, class bookings, Personal Training contact Diane - 07830292542 or visit

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Looking for a home to rent?

We've just been sent this information from the County Council. Please pass it on to anyone who you think may be interested.

If you are looking to rent a home within the Northumberland area, Northumberland Homefinder offers available council, social rented, private rented and shared ownership homes to prospective tenants’ giving a choice in where they want to live and the type of house they would like to live in.

Click on this link for more details.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Parish News - January 2013

Although the Parish Council did not have a meeting in December (and I am writing this before their January meeting), the Councillors met to discus the recent planning application which has been submitted by Northumberland Estates. This is for a development of 20 houses, including affordable housing, on a site to the north of Piper Road. They agreed to object to the application and a letter has been sent to the Planning Department at Northumberland County Council. We will have to await the outcome but it may be some time before we hear anything further.
May 2nd this year is the date for local elections. This includes County Council as well as Parish Council. The Reading Room has already been booked!
Moles have again appeared on the playing field and a mole catcher was duly summoned. Hopefully, this has cured the problem. The windows at the Pavilion should be replaced soon.
The February meeting is on the 21st at 7.15pm and that of March will also be the 21st. As ever, these are held in the Reading Room.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council