Welcome to the four new
Parish Councillors. Because of the recent election, Hazel Chalmers,
Lou Moore, Kevin Piper and Lesley Richardson will be joining existing
Councillors Ian Heslop, Phil Holden, Doreen Jordon and Val Mennear.
A new chair will have been elected at the May meeting and I will let
you know the details in the July magazine. Thanks must go to
outgoing Councillors, Margaret Turnbull, Paul MacDonald, Joanna
Jackson and Richard Benjamin for their hard work and efforts
throughout the years.
Planing has been
completed behind the church; application needs to be submitted to
planning for a proposed seat by the bus stop at the church. The
Parish Council obtained a refund from Northumberland County Council
of approximately 35% as a result of complaining about the poor
standard of grass cuts last year. The BMX track has been upgraded
and work should soon be starting on the windows at the Pavilion as
well as essential work at the cemetery lodge.
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council