Monday, 9 September 2013

Parish News - September 2013

Notification has been received that there will be an “improved” bus service through Ovingham - the new “Tynedale Express” X84 and X85. One bus an hour (X85) will call at Horsley, and one an hour (X84) will call at Ovington, Ovingham and Wylam replacing the existing 684 service. The buses will be modern, larger and more accessible including room for wheelchairs and buggies. Introductory special fares will be on offer for a period. Cllr Holden will display timetables at the bus stops.
Grass cutting continues to be monitored. The Councillors are keeping an eye on the service and following up concerns.  
As previously mentioned, repairs have been carried out in front of the shop and this has been much appreciated. However, there are still concerns about parking on double yellow lines and/or the pavement and the Civilian Traffic Enforcement Officers have been asked to visit.
Permission has been granted to fell 3 trees by the allotments. Photos had to be submitted to the Planning department of the trees concerned, which the Clerk and Chair achieved with difficulty!
Due to unforeseen circumstances, PC Cross, Community officer, will not be able to attend a Parish Council meeting until November.  
Cllr Richardson is to be our representative on a working Transport Group which includes other local Parish and Town Councils.
Our next meeting is on Thursday, 17th October, and the November meeting is scheduled for 21st November – both at 7.15pm in the Blackett Room.
Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council