Monday, 24 January 2011

Play Equipment Scheme - Pop-in session

The re-scheduled pop-in session has been arranged for Saturday 29th January in the pavilion from 11am until 1pm. The original session due in early December had to be cancelled due to flooding. Please feel free to come along.

It will be an opportunity to find out in more detail what the plans are, make comments, raise any issues of concern and perhaps even get involved in. The scheme has to be finished by the end of March and is clearly causing some disruption in the meantime for which we apologise. We'll do our best to keep disruption to a minimum. Incidentally, the car park will be re-instated as soon as possible and the football clubs have been asked again to avoid blocking the road by parking considerately elsewhere.

During construction and installation, please impress on youngsters the importance of keeping well clear. The equipment needs to be inspected and 'signed off' before it can be freely used.

Click on the image and you should get a full screen version of it.