One of the consequences of two weeks of snow and sub-zero temperatures followed by the rapid thaw on Friday was that the roof drains on the pavilion roof couldn't cope. Result - the melt water penetrated into the main room of the pavilion.
So, many apologies for having to cancel the pop-in session on Saturday 11th December. We had hoped to be able to show visitors our plans for the development of the play equipment on the playing field.
Visitors to the field will know that work has already started on the access path (that's why it looks like a bomb site). The timescale is very tight as the whole scheme has to be completed and paid for before the end of March 2011. The contractor (Northumbrian Landscaping) is confident it can be done on time.
In the meantime, we'll try to rearrange the pop-in session as soon as possible - maybe in the Reading Room in January.
Also in the meantime, we've got to sort out the damp in the pavilion. Ho-hum.