Dr. Arthur Affleck is conducting research into the effects of the closure of Ovingham Bridge and has invited residents of Ovingham and Prudhoe to complete a short questionnaire. His email appears below.
Dear Resident of Ovingham/Prudhoe,
As part of the i-BUILD research programme, Newcastle University
are researching different aspects of infrastructure including the
value of roads and bridges to society. i-BUILD is funded by the EPSRC
(Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) and the ESRC
(Economic and Social Research Council).
With the closure of Ovingham Bridge we want to know how this
change has affected the people of Ovingham and Prudhoe. Please help
us find out some of the social and economic impacts connected to the
bridge and complete this short survey about the bridge's closure. It
will only take about five minutes. Here is the link to the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DTWVC8B
Please forward this email to friends, family and colleagues living
in Ovingham or Prudhoe, so we can get wide range of views about the
bridge's closure.
This survey will be open until 1st December 2014 and we will post
the results on i-BUILD's website in the New Year. If you want further
information please contact Dr Arthur Affleck by email:
Or by post
Newcastle University
Newcastle University Business School
5 Barrack Road
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Please feel free to complete this survey and draw it to the attention of any resident you think might also complete it.