Friday, 10 October 2014

Parish News - October 2014

Another on site meeting was held with Northumberland County Council in October. Although there has been a change of personnel, some issues have been resolved whilst others, will be long term. The Parish Council has also been informed that County Council have a programme, starting this next financial year, to replace poles for street lighting.
The Environmental agency has been contacted regarding reports of odious smells and raw sewerage near the first footbridge in Whittle Dene.  
Causes of flooding at Dene Garth were being monitored, Cllr Jordon having met with an officer from the Flood Coastal Erosion Risk Management team. FCERM confirmed a site survey will be carried out, and the owners of Cooks Field be contacted requesting they carry out maintenance/clearance works to the lengths of the watercourse(s) abutting their property. FCERM also confirmed that flood risk areas in Ovingham were being investigated and a report would be available shortly.
PC Charlie Cross, Community Officer had been invited to attend the October meeting and address the Councillors on various traffic issues in the village.  

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be Thursday, 16th October at 7.15pm.
Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council