Monday, 13 January 2014

Parish News - January 2014

Last summer, Cllr Hazel Chalmers, along with resident Ken Rusby, attended a meeting about Community Agreements which partly focussed on flooding. As a result of this she is hoping to set up a working party for Ovingham. Please contact Hazel for any more information.
The first new Village newsletter has been published. This is hoped to be issued on a quarterly basis and submissions need to be received for the next edition by early February. The newsletter is run by volunteers and the Parish Council do hope you give it your support.
Essential repairs have been completed at the Cemetery Lodge and the tenant was able to move back in before Christmas – very timely!
Moles continue to be a problem on the Playing Field and the mole catcher has been kept busy. A martial arts group use the Pavilion on a regular basis and appears to be well supported.
Due to time constraints, the Councillors met in December in order to submit a response to Northumberland County Councils Local Core Plan Strategy. This is primarily concerned with future housing needs and is asking for responses from all Town and Parish Councils. Ovingham’s main concern is the possibility of the removal of green belt to allow housing, and the impact on infrastructure especially increased traffic through the village and across the bridge as well as a knock on effect from Prudhoe.
Our next meeting is 16th January. No meeting in February, so the next date is 20th March, at 7.15pm in the Reading Room.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council