Following the Annual
Meeting of the Parish Council in May, Councillor Turnbull was
re-elected Chair, and Councillor Jordon, Vice Chair. In her report,
Councillor Turnbull thanked all the Councillors for the hard work
throughout the year as well as that of County Councillor Kelly and
the villagers who contribute on a regular basis.
Complaints have been
made to both Northumberland County Council and ISOS about the state
of the grass cutting in the village. The Councillors are closely
monitoring this and it is hoped that improvements will be seen by the
time you read this.
All three interactive
speed units are up and running throughout the village, which should
prove an extra deterrent against speeding.
The Ovilympics will be
taking place on July 14th to which everyone is welcome. Do
come and support this event and join in some of the many activities
Margaret Davenport