Sunday, 10 June 2012

Border Reiver Archers

Border Reiver Archers is a target archery club based at Ovingham Middle School. Our main club shoot is on Sundays from 10:30 and we have practice sessions on Tuesday and Friday evenings from 17:30 until dusk.
We welcome new members - whether experienced archers or absolute beginners - and have three coaches who will be running a four week beginners course from 24.06.12. If anyone fancies 'having-a-go' without committing themselves, the club will be doing free one hour taster sessions at Wentworth Leisure Centre on 22 July. Taster sessions must be booked through the leisure centre.
For more info on the club we can be contacted by e mail at or by 'phone on 01434 681002.
The club is open to anyone aged 14 years and over. Archery is a very inclusive sport and is practiced by people of all ages and is very disability-friendly.

Friday, 8 June 2012

Parish Council Notes - June 2012

Following the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council in May, Councillor Turnbull was re-elected Chair, and Councillor Jordon, Vice Chair. In her report, Councillor Turnbull thanked all the Councillors for the hard work throughout the year as well as that of County Councillor Kelly and the villagers who contribute on a regular basis.
Complaints have been made to both Northumberland County Council and ISOS about the state of the grass cutting in the village. The Councillors are closely monitoring this and it is hoped that improvements will be seen by the time you read this.
All three interactive speed units are up and running throughout the village, which should prove an extra deterrent against speeding.
The Ovilympics will be taking place on July 14th to which everyone is welcome. Do come and support this event and join in some of the many activities planned.

Margaret Davenport

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Grasscutting in the Village

The grassed areas of amenity land around Ovingham are cut by two separate teams. Most of these areas are cut by the county council though the parish council pay them for additional areas to be cut.
The areas around Windsor Crescent and Tyne Gardens however, are the responsibility of ISOS Housing Ltd who subcontract the grasscutting to Vale Contract Services.
It is not an exaggeration to say that the state of these amenity areas is a disgrace. These areas have never been in such a bad state in thirty years or more.  ISOS is clearly aware of the widespread dissatisfaction and you can click here to see what they have to say about it.

The parish council has already registered its profound disgust at the quality of service. However, it will be even more persuasive if lots of individual residents also contact them with their personal comments and observations.
ISOS Customer Services can be contacted on 0300 300 1505 or you can email them at