Monday, 16 January 2012

Ovingham Allotments Association

An association of villagers was formed in about 1980 by Ian Heslop to acquire land for allotment gardening. Over the next two years negotiations were entered into with the Parish Council. There were many problems and obstacles to overcome but in April 1982, the Council acquired land near the 'Goose Fair' field and a tenancy agreement was signed. Since these early days more land has been acquired to meet the rising popularity and demand for allotments.

At present there are 36 plots with 9 members on the waiting list. Members are of all ages and come from all parts of the village. In 1982 there was only one lady member but today ladies are in the majority. Just as the composition of the membership has changed so have the gardening practices. Today, raised beds are common with flowers competing with vegetables. Fruit bushes and small fruit trees are widely planted and small ponds are present on several plots.

Committee meetings take place on the second Wednesday of the month in the Bridge End Inn. All members are classed as committee members which affords them the right to vote at committee meetings. The present chairman is Godfrey Good and the treasurer is Mike Broadhurst. Jackie Scrowther is the minutes secretary. Minutes from meetings, the current waiting list and other information is regularly displayed on the notice board in the allotments.

Godfrey Good.