We have received the request below from Northumberland LINk.
Please click on the link to respond if it is relevant to you.
"Northumberland LINk is conducting some research about people’s experiences of using the GP Out of Hours service. The findings of this research will be used in our work to improve health and social care services in Northumberland.
We would appreciate it if you could complete the short on-line survey if you have used the out of hours service, by clicking on this link https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/gpoutofhours. Please complete the survey by 28th January 2012."
You will probably need to copy and paste the link into your browser as it doesn't look as though it comes up here as a 'hot' link. If you feel that the parish council might be able to assist to with any issues you might have with GP out-of-hours service, please contact one of our councillors whose details can be found on our main site.