Residents will soon be receiving a questionnaire which invites comments on a whole range of issues. The council will use the responses to plan long and short term targets and will help to form the yearly precept for the next five years. The precept is the annual sum of money we receive and is included in the Council Tax.
The questionnaire is an important opportunity for residents to inform the council of issues that concern them. A good response is also important for the council as it helps us to understand what residents would like us to concentrate on.
Please find time to complete your questionnaire and return it either to one of the councillors or the Reading Room letter box. If you haven't received your questionnaire by the end of August please contact one of the councillors and they will make sure you get one.
Completed forms need to be returned by 3rd September when analysis will begin. Needless to say, the questionnaire is completely anonymous and confidential.