The Council welcomed Ian Heslop to the meeting on his co-option. The Councillors hope that he will enjoy working alongside them, and already his input is being felt.
It has now been decided to split the field previously let as grazing land, some going to the Allotments Association and a larger amount to be kept as grazing land and let. There was much discussion over this decision as Green Ovingham had prepared plans for the Council which they hoped would allow them to take over the field. Although sympathising with the Group the Council felt that their decision should stand. They did, however, have much pleasure in granting Green Ovingham £100 towards their running expenses. The Council was also glad to hear of the many things which the Group has done in the past and hope to do in the future.
It may be noted that one culvert at the burn remains blocked, even though it had been hoped that the heavy rainfall would clear the gravel. However, as I write this I have just had the assurance from the Northumberland Bridge Inspector that a much deeper hole will be dug which should take away the gravel.
The Parish Council has agreed to pay for a longer grass cutting schedule this year. If you do have complaints about grass cutting, please report them to the Parish Council.
The Council have received complaints that horses are being ridden on the pavements and in one place have left droppings. This is very anti-social and the Council would ask all residents to report back and let them know if this happens again. The same rules concerning dog-fouling apply to horses, so please do help us stop this occurring.
There will be vacancy for a clerk in the future. If there is anybody who would like to know more about what the position involves, please ask Georgina on 01661 831897.
The March Meeting will be held 16 March at 7.15 in the Reading Room.