Thursday, 18 November 2010

Play Equipment - Good News!

The Playbuilder Grant of £42500 (which was effectively withdrawn last summer) has been re-instated in an almost unbelievable about-turn. Full marks for Northumberland County Council for confirming this grant which is provided by central government.

It means that the scheme can go ahead as originally planned. Other grants awarded to the scheme total £27500 which means that the playing field will get £70000 of new and refurbished play equipment.

Playing field visitors will already know that work has started. The contractor has begun installing the access path. There will of course, be unavoidable disruption during the following months but we are sure it will be worth it.

The village will be leafleted soon inviting residents to an 'exhibition' in the pavilion where they will have the opportunity to view the plans and comment on them.

Want to get involved? Watch out for the leaflet and come along. Have a browse, have a chat.