Monday, 25 January 2010

Parish Council Notes - 25 January 2010

The Council met on 21 January after a very cold snowy period. Councillor Kelly, Northumberland County Council, gave a lengthy report on how the County had coped during this bad weather. All the major trunk roads had been gritted and kept open. Some of the journeys undertaken by the gritting lorries had been incredible. Various agencies and volunteers had worked hard, clearing paths to the most isolated. It was pointed out that although the main roads had been kept clear it was hard for Ovingham residents to get to the main roads as little or no gritting was done on the internal roads.

However, the Council was most impressed that the buses managed to run a very adequate service and proved a lifeline for those unable to leave the village any other way. Certainly the main complaint from many has been the extreme ice on pavements. The Council must point out that the few gritting bins which are in the village contain grit only for the highways and it is illegal to take the grit for private use. Some roads which could have been made safer were not treated because the gritting bins had been emptied for private use. Grit for private use is available from DIY stores.

Once again the Parish Council is making a plea for hedges overhanging the pathways to be kept pruned back. They are proving quite a danger where pavements are narrow and pedestrians are forced to walk in the road. Also the Council would like to remind residents that it is illegal to leave the rubbish bins on the pavements. It was pointed out by a resident that the bins can provide a dangerous obstacle for the elderly and also parents with toddlers in prams.

Councillor Jordon is to arrange a litter-pick. Please, when the date is announced, do your best to volunteer to help.

Councillor Holden gave the meeting more information, mainly financial, on the progress being made on the Playbuilder Recreational Facilities. The Middle School are providing many new ideas for this exciting project.

Green Ovingham was welcomed to the meeting and it was good to hear that there is to be a Green Fair at the Middle School on 10 February. A table has been booked by the parish council to publicise the play equipment project.

The March Meeting will be held in the Reading Room at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 18 March 2010.