If we have any beekeepers in the area, they may well be interested in this scheme aimed at offering advice and support. In a recent letter from DEFRA, they write:-
"The National Bee Unit (NBU), which is based at the Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera), manages BeeBase and uses it to identify apiaries at risk in the local area and as a result target inspection measures effectively. We need to know who is keeping bees and where they are kept to ensure any new or existing health problems are identified and to improve our chances of successfully controlling disease and any incursions of new pests. In return, once registered on BeeBase, beekeepers have access to a wealth of information such as; interactive maps of disease outbreaks, access to current legislation, up-to-date disease management leaflets, be alerted to pest and disease outbreaks in their own area and will receive a free advisory apiary visit from their local bee inspector."
Further information can be obtained at www.nationalbeeunit.com or by phoning the NBU on 01904 462510.