Monday, 28 December 2009

N'land County Council - Budget Cuts

Most residents will know that following the demise of Tynedale Council and the transfer to a unitary authority (ie Northumberland County Council), NCC is faced with finding cuts to it's budget of £30M.
NCC has recently published details of it's proposals. These proposals are open to public consultation. Click on the following link to find out more. It provides information on NCC's current proposals and also provides information about consultation meetings where you can have your say.

Friday, 18 December 2009

Bees Under Threat - 18 Dec 09

If we have any beekeepers in the area, they may well be interested in this scheme aimed at offering advice and support. In a recent letter from DEFRA, they write:-

"The National Bee Unit (NBU), which is based at the Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera), manages BeeBase and uses it to identify apiaries at risk in the local area and as a result target inspection measures effectively. We need to know who is keeping bees and where they are kept to ensure any new or existing health problems are identified and to improve our chances of successfully controlling disease and any incursions of new pests. In return, once registered on BeeBase, beekeepers have access to a wealth of information such as; interactive maps of disease outbreaks, access to current legislation, up-to-date disease management leaflets, be alerted to pest and disease outbreaks in their own area and will receive a free advisory apiary visit from their local bee inspector."

Further information can be obtained at or by phoning the NBU on 01904 462510.

Parish Council Notes - 18th December 2009

Unfortunately the Parish Council Meeting was rather restricted - sickness, other commitments and bad weather meant that the Council met but some items on the agenda had to be carried over to the next meeting.

There seems to be many conflicting views concerning where the Interactive Lighting is placed on Castle View. The Council were advised by Northumberland County Council that this was the best place for it, bearing in mind that it is there to stop speeding through the village. Were it to be placed further to the East the Council were informed that cars would slow down on seeing the sign but were likely to speed up again once past. The Council will, however, keep a close eye on the situation.

Councillor Holden was able to report a healthy number of visits to the Council website. Village organisations are reminded that they can advertise their events free on this Blog. Just email the details to A new strimmer is assisting in cutting back foliage and he was able to report that thanks to the services of community workers ground maintenance had proceeded well. Too well if the reappearance of moles is anything to go by!

Councillor Holden is proceeding well with the Play Equipment Project and seekintg funding from many quarters. Ovingham Middle School have submitted more suggestions and these are being examined.

The Council proceeds all the time with endeavouring to make sure that some of the day to day maintenance needs of the village are carried out. However, NCC is cutting back on so many basic areas that it is very difficult at times.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Christmas Services at St.Mary the Virgin

A warm welcome to all at any of these services.

Tues 15th Dec 7:00pm Mothers' Union Carol Service

Sat 19th Dec 6:30pm Choir Concert (Reading Room)

Thurs 24th Dec 6:00pm Carol Service & Blessing of the Crib

Fri 25th Dec 9:30am Christmas Parish Communion