The Parish Council Meeting held on 17 September was well attended and the Council were pleased to welcome members of the new "green" group formed in the village. It is hoped that they will be able to produce advice and suggestions on how Ovingham people may be able to become more focused on a 10% reduction in the carbon footprint.
The clerk has received details of compost bins which can be purchased at a good discount rate. If you are interested in purchasing a bin please contact the clerk (831897) for more details.
Much of the meeting was concerned with maintenance items throughout the village. It was noted that some more pavement repair has been carried out on the Piper Road Estate, though not finished. The Parish Council have been informed by Northumberland that completion of the work will be done in time, but we are having to share the work with other villages.
The Council are much concerned about the poor condition of the grass cutting throughout the village this year. Although it must be acknowledged that the inclement weather this Summer has not helped, it was felt that the grass cutting this year has not been to an acceptable standard. Apparently, Ovingham is not the only village which has complained about the condition.
At the meeting Councillor Kelly (NCC) gave details of the Northumberland deficit which has gone from £25 1/2 million to £33 1/2 million. He explained that this increase in deficit had been caused mainly by the payment in redundancies and equal pay payments which have had to be paid. He also gave details of residential homes closing and the opening of the new home in Prudhoe which will not only serve the residents but also the community.
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 22 October at 7.15 p.m. in the Reading Room, All residents of Ovingham will be welcome to attend.