Friday, 29 May 2009

Parish Council Notes - May 2009

The Annual Parish Meeting was held 21 May 2009. Councillor Margaret Turnbull was re-elected Chairman and Councillor Jordon was re-elected vice chairman. Councillor Jordon was re-elected as the Council Representative on the Reading Room Committee, Councillors Mennear and Macdonald to the Burial Committee and Councillor Holden elected as Council Representative to the Governors of Prudhoe Community High School (Community sub-committee). 

The Chairman in her report thanked all the Councillors for their hard work during the year and recorded much which has been carried out by the Council. She also spoke of things that still required carrying out in order that the village will remain beautiful and good to live in - mainly the eradication of litter and dog fouling. Reports were also received from the various representatives to village committees. These can be read by contacting the Parish Clerk.

The Interactive Light is to be moved soon to Horsley Road. In future it will be moved more regularly but some work to overhanging tree branches may have to be carried out before it can be located to Castle View.

There are several places throughout the village which are suffering from graffiti. It is hoped to get these cleaned as soon as possible.  

As you may have noticed, our map disappeared a while back. However, thankfully a new map, with pictures has been finished and a new board is being made. It is hoped to have it back on display very soon. 

By now all residents will have received from Northumberland County Council letters regarding the garden waste collection. The Parish Council expressed their regret that this step is being taken

A new Village Action Plan is to be produced. If you have any items which you think should be added for the future, please would you let the clerk know.

The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Thursday 16 July at 7.15 p.m. in the Reading Room. All members of the Parish are invited to attend.