Saturday, 9 April 2016

Parish News - April 2016

Unfortunately, Lou Moore has resigned as Parish Councillor and she will be sorely missed. Lou wants to focus on helping local groups such as the Toddlers and Playing Fields Committee. Early days yet but it is hoped that someone will be co-opted soon.
The Parish Council have ordered two new litter bins – one to replace that which was vandalised by the Church bus stop and also to put one by the gate into the field opposite the First School. It is hoped that the latter will help with dog fouling which continues to be a wide problem. There are instances of dog waste bags being used but left by the paths or hanging from bushes/branches. The dog warden will also be monitoring the problem. Please contact the Parish Council if there is an area in the village which is particularly bad.
As an experiment, Green Ovingham will be sowing wild flowers in parts of the village – Horsley Road and on the Playing Fields and a small area on Castle View by the steps to the river. Depending on its success, more areas may be used next year.
The meeting in May is on the 19th at 7.15pm which is also the Annual meeting of the Parish Council.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council