Monday, 16 March 2015

Parish News - March 2015

March sees the end of the financial year for Ovingham Parish Council and they hope to look at some village projects including replacing village flower tubs and perhaps some additional ones. They will also be considering employing someone on a casual basis to be the village maintenance person. More news next month as at the time of writing this, the March meeting has not been held.
The Bridge continues to experience delays. Unfortunately there is still no date, or approximate date, when it will re-open.
A grit bin has been replaced at the bottom of Horsley Road – in bad weather this area can especially be a hazard for pedestrians.
A volunteer is still needed to audit the accounts. Please do get in touch with myself or any Parish Councillor.

The next Parish Council meeting is on 19th March at 7.15pm.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council