Saturday, 9 August 2014

Parish News - August 2014

The Parish Council have received numerous complaints about motorcyclists and horses using the pedestrian bridge. Signs have now been installed at both ends of the bridge banning this but if you do see anyone, please take a note of their registration number (for motorcyclists) and as much detail as you can, and inform the Police (call 101). Cyclists have also continued to use the Pedestrian Bridge (this is a long standing problem) and County Council will contact the Hadrian Cycle group asking them to warn members/users that cycling is not permitted on the pedestrian bridge at any time. Unfortunately, unless the Police see anyone cycling across, little can be done.

Discussions are continuing amongst the Councillors for suggestions to include in the County Council Local Transport Plan 2015-2016. Each year, Parish and Town Councils are invited to submit their top 3 priorities for possible inclusion in the plan. In the past, Ovingham have put forward, amongst others, a new bridge, extra parking by the school and a footpath between Ovington and Ovingham. Proposals will be submitted after the September meeting and the Councillors are looking at speeding concerns and what could be done to alleviate this.

Quotes have been received and approved for some tidying up in the Churchyard – pruning trees, branches and shrubs as well as holly trees on the bank of the Pant, branches on Pack Horse Green and small tree on The Hill. Some landscaping work around the village cross was also approved.

September’s meeting will be held on Thursday, the 18th at 7.15pm.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council