Monday, 28 October 2013

The Youth Bus is coming

Youngsters will be interested to know that the Youth Service bus is is coming to the playing field on Thursday 31st October. The West Northumberland Youth Service is hoping to set up a series of visits with activities which are attractive to a range of our young people.
Click on the image to find full details.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Parish Council Vacancy


Notice is hereby given that by reason of the resignation of KEVIN PIPER a vacancy has occurred among the members of the Parish Council. Any person willing to fill this vacancy should apply to the Clerk in writing on or before the 7th November 2013. The applicant's name must appear on the current register of the Voters List or the applicant should during the whole of the twelve months preceding the relevant date have resided in the parish. The applicant must not be debarred from standing as a Councillor.

PUBLIC elections cannot be held until the year 2017 but for the interim period the present sitting Councillors may co-opt to fill the vacancy.

Please apply, in no more than 250 words, why you wish to become a Parish Councillor.

Clerk: Mrs M. Davenport
Address: Jubilee Cottage, Ovington, Northumberland, NE42 6DH
Date: 23rd October 2013

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Parish News - October 2013

Kevin Piper has resigned as Parish Councillor due to business commitments. Although there are procedures to follow, hopefully by the time you read this, the Parish Council will have its full complement again.
Grass cutting continues to be monitored. The Councillors are keeping an eye on the service and following up concerns. Consideration is being given to using private contractors for land owned by the Parish Council but currently cut by the County Council.
As previously mentioned, repairs have been carried out in front of the shop and this has been much appreciated. However, there are still concerns about parking on double yellow lines and/or the pavement and the Civilian Traffic Enforcement Officers have been asked to visit.
Essential repairs are being carried out to some play equipment on the Playing Fields

You may have noticed some of our Councillors out and about recently. They are surveying the village for potholes, weeds, signs etc. and have each been given their own “patch” to monitor. They plan to do this twice a year although any problems in the interim can and will be reported.

Cllr Richardson is to be our representative on a working Transport Group which includes other local Parish and Town Councils.
Notice has been given of a “Northumberland Music Festival” taking place between 8th November and the 24th at Doxford Hall, Guyzance Hall and Eshott Hall. For more information please ring 01668 283100 or visit

Our next meeting is on Thursday, 21st November at 7.15pm in the Blackett Room. There is no meeting planned for December.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council