Saturday, 10 August 2013

Parish News - August 2013

Since the last magazine, the Parish Council have received reassurances, from Northumberland County Council, that the pedestrian bridge will remain open whilst work is carried out on the bridge next year.
Hopefully, extra notices will be displayed warning cyclists to dismount.
Repairs to the uneven paving outside the Shop will have been carried out by now. This will tidy the area up and hopefully, prevent tumbles etc.
Planning application has been submitted to fell 3 trees which overshadow part of the allotments. The application is required as the trees are in a conservation area.
Overhanging branches by River View were preventing grass contractors from Northumberland County Council from cutting part of the grass. Northumberland Estates are responsible for cutting back part of them, as was a local resident who has already attended to it.
Branches were also obstructing the interactive sign along Castle View so a request has been made to trim back.
A Village newsletter is still being considered but the Councillors are keen to involve as many groups/people as possible as they do not see it as a “Parish Council” newsletter.
Community Officer PC Cross has been invited to attend the September meeting as Councillor Piper is keen to look at crime prevention. This meeting will be on September 19th at 7.15pm in the Reading Room (Blackett Room).
The Village Plan is being updated. Concerns about speeding and parking continue to be monitored. Parts of the Village lack signs and requests will be lodged to the County Council as appropriate.
Work should have commenced at the Cemetery Lodge in August to rectify problems with damp and drains. The Cemetery is managed by the Parish Councils of Ovingham, Ovington, Wylam and Horsley who have all pledged extra financial aid for this essential work.

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council