Thursday, 11 April 2013

Parish News - April 2013

It has come to the attention of Ovingham Parish Council that there appears to have been fly tipping in the area, particularly along Castle View. Northumberland County Council has also asked that residents report any tyres being dumped in the area, as there seems to be a problem locally. The numbers to ring are either 101 or 0845 600 6400.

By the time you read this, there will be some new faces on the Parish Council. Unless some nominations withdraw, an election will be held on 2nd May at the same time as the County Council election. It is good to see sufficient interest. More details in the next Magazine when the chair person will also have been elected.

The grass cutting season will have started and it is hoped that this is better than last year – something that the Parish Council keep a close eye on.

A copy of the Village Plan will be available in the Reading Room and Church and it is also available to view on the website (

Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Parish Council Elections - 2 May 2013

The County Council has published the list of nominations for the forthcoming election.
The list will also be posted on our two notice boards. This list was updated on 12 April 2013 and replaces the earlier list.
Please click on the images to see full size.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Fly Tipping

A recent letter to the parish council from the county council draws our attention to the fact that there is an on-going problem with the illegal fly tipping of tyres in East Tynedale.
NCC, the Police and the Environment Agency have put several measures in place to combat this but members of the public are asked to help by keeping their eyes open and reporting any suspected instances. The letter details various methods of reporting and these are listed below:

  • Call 101 – where tyres or other illegal fly tipping is in the process of being discarded with a reminder that key information such as registration numbers, makes and colours of vehicles , descriptions of people involved are encouraged to be reported
  • Call 0845 6006400 – which is the NCC contact number  where fly tipping or tyre dumps are discovered so that appropriate service can be notified
  • Alternatively use NCC ‘Report it’ link on the website or ASK email  facility to make a report as above
  • Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 or complete report on line. This is a confidential service which has a reward incentive for information leading to the prosecution of offenders.