Sunday, 31 March 2013

Playing Field Family Fun Day

A start has been made arranging another family fun day on the playing field this July.
The team hopes to raise funds in order to keep the day as inexpensive as possible for families.
Our first fundraiser is to be a car wash on the playing field on 21st April from 10am to 1pm.
Click on the poster to see the full details.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Notification of May Elections

As you may know, there will be an election on 2nd May 2013 for parish, town and county councils.
One councillor will be elected to the County Council and eight to Ovingham Parish Council.

Please click on the images below to find full details of the arrangements.
These notices will also be posted on our notice boards.

If you require further details, please contact the Election Office on 01670 624 811 or our parish clerk, Mrs Davenport, on 01661 835 771.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Parish News - March 2013

Unfortunately due to circumstances, by the end of the Parish Council meeting in February, there were only 3 Councillors left and as this did not make up a quorum, part of the agenda had to be put over to the March meeting! Not satisfactory, I know but most of the items were discussed fully up to this point.

This included the possibility of looking at laying tarmac in an area behind the Church for better parking and options for monitoring the parking by the Village shop.

The Parish Council own an area on Tentergarth, which is rented out as allotment gardens. However, one of the tenants reported a landslide involving a tree, it looks like the cost of removing this, and subsequent remedial work could be quite substantial. Safety of course, is the Parish Council’s paramount concern so this will be looked at very carefully.

Cllr Holden has placed some bus timetables by the bus stops in the village and he hopes these are more user friendly for commuters.

The April meeting should be held on the 18th at 7.15 in the Reading Room and the May meeting, which includes the Annual Parish Meeting, on 16th May. This latter date will be the first meeting after the local elections on 2nd May.

Margaret Davenport

Saturday, 2 March 2013

May Elections

NCC have just sent us a leaflet with information which might be of interest to anyone thinking of becoming a local councillor.

Click on the images below to see them full size.