Monday, 11 February 2013

England's Great Litter Count

Keep Britain Tidy are looking for help with their project entitled 'England's Great Litter Count'.
Volunteers and groups are invited to survey the types and brands of litter in their area and KBT will collate and publish the results nationally.
You can find out more and register your interest by following this link:'sGreatLitterCount/Default.aspx

Parish News - February 2013

PC Cross, Community officer, attended the January meeting and spoke about a new speed device unit, which is now available in the local area. He advised he had already received positive feedback from this but it needed time to get the message across to drivers. PC Cross was also hoping to re-educate cyclists when using the bridge over the Tyne and would be liaising with the likes of Sustrans and local schools.

As well as refurbishing/repairing windows at the Pavilion, work is due to start on upgrading the BMX track soon. Grants have been received in part for the BMX track and the Parish Council is only pledging a relatively small amount towards the cost.
Apologies for the incorrect date for the February meeting which will have been held on 14th February and not the 21st as previously stated. I do hope no-one turned up on the 21st!.
Margaret Davenport
Clerk to Ovingham Parish Council

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Pilates & Fitness Training.

Details below of Pilates and Fitness Training in the village. Get fit! Sign up!

Class times are as follow:
Tuesday: 9.30 - 10.30am Pilates @ Old School in Ovingham (term time only)
Wednesday: 8.15 - 9.15pm Pilates @ Old School in Ovingham
Friday: 9.30 - 10.30am Pilates Plus @ Old School in Ovingham (term time only)
Sunday: 9.45 - 10.45am HIT (high intensity training) @ Old School in Ovingham
For more information, class bookings, Personal Training contact Diane - 07830292542 or visit