Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Parish Council Notes - April 2012

Since a letter of complaint was sent to Northumberland County Council regarding the route of bus service 686 to Prudhoe, a reply has been received by the parish Council. Unfortunately, there are no plans to review the service or make further changes.

Re-surfacing work is due along Castle View starting mid to late April. It is hoped that it won't cause too much of a disruption. [Ed. See the earlier post for more details].

The Councillors have decide that due to other events in the village, such as the Goose Fair and the Roses Festival, and surrounding areas, there will not be a separate celebration for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. The “Ovilympics” will be the focus on July 14th. Again, if anyone can offer help, please contact one of the councillors.

The next meeting of the Parish Council takes place on Thursday, 17th May at 7.15 pm in the Reading Room and will include the Annual Meeting that will commence at 8.00 pm.

Margaret Davenport

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Road Resurfacing

We've just got news that the County Council are to refurbish and resurface Main Road and Castle View - from Horsley Road to beyond the 30mph signs on the Wylam Road.
Work will probably start mid-April and will involve replacing inspection covers, realigning kerbstones and resurfacing the footpaths. Areas of subsidence will be dealt with. Residents will be kept informed directly by NCC but it will inevitably involve some disruption and inconvenience until the end of the month when work is expected to be complete.
This stretch of road has needed attention for some years now so it's good that at last it's going to be dealt with.