Thursday, 16 February 2012

Broadband Services in Northumberland

Our county council is hoping to secure a £7M government grant to improve broadband services in the county. If secured, this grant would have to be matched by Northumberland County Council. They are hoping that the company that wins the contract to deliver the first phase of improvements will match both grants. This would mean that £28M would be available for the scheme.
For more information, go to

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Parish Council Notes - Feb 2012

The Councillors are working on the recent parish plan questionnaires, each concentrating on specific areas/questions. The interim results are available to view on the website The report and plan will be finalised as soon as possible.

Progress continues with the proposal of a seat by the bus stop at the church. However, before any more work is carried out with quotes etc. enquiries are being made to see if planning application is required.

P.C. Cross, our local community officer attended the meeting in January when the problems of cyclists on the footbridge was discussed. There is a possibility of erecting a physical barrier as both the Police and Highways Department feel that no matter what signs are erected, there will always be those who choose to ignore them. Speeding through the village was also an issue and later in the meeting, the Councillors agreed to look at the possibility of a further interactive light.

The next meeting is due to be held on Thursday, 15th March at 7.15pm, in the Reading Room, but please check either the website or the notice boards for confirmation.

Margaret Davenport