Sunday, 29 May 2011

Picnic in the Park

The new play equipment was declared officially open last Saturday 21st May by our county councillor Paul Kelly.

Nearly 300 people enjoyed an afternoon of entertainment by local bands in a marquee, children's games, competitions and informal picnics. The afternoon was a great success and marks not just the end of the project but all being well, the start of renewed interest in the playing field. Lots of people asked if something similar could be organised next year. Watch this space!

Thanks are due to the many residents who got involved in organising the event and making it such a special afternoon.

Photo: Colin Burt Photography 07703 402 982.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Parish Council Notes - May 2011

The Annual General Meeting was held in May. Margaret Turnbull was elected Chairman and Doreeen Jordon as Vice Chairman Doreen Jordon will represent the Council on the Reading Room Committee, Paul Macdonald and Val Mennear on the Burial Committee and Philip Holden our representative at Prudhoe High School.

The Chairman's Report showed a full and active year for the Councillors, all of whom were thanked by the Chairman. Unfortunately at the start of the year Melanie Morton resigned. She has been missed but Ian Heslop was co-opted to the Council and has proved already to be of great value. Especial thanks were given to Doreen Jordon who keeps the village so beautiful with her flower beds and Phil Holden who works so very hard keeping the recreation ground perfect for the many users. A new mower was purchased during the year and this has made his job a lot easer. Perhaps it is not known how much work Phil puts into keeping the pavilion up to a very high standard.

There have been cuts in maintenance work done by NCC but on the whole most jobs have been undertaken, though routine work perhaps hasn't been done so often and there always seems to be drains blocked somewhere.,.

The most successful undertaking of the Council has been the installation of the Playbuilder Scheme on the Recreation Ground. By the time this is read it should be well and truly used and we hope the young people of the village do enjoy it. So far it looks as though they are all very happy with it.

During the year, following the death of Angus Armstrong who has rented one of the grazing fields for many years, it was decided to offer further land to the Allotment Association.

We would remind all parishioners that the monthly minutes are on our Web Site and can always be read. Georgina has now resigned as clerk and we welcome Margaret Davenport who has taken her place.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

New Play Equipment - Official Opening - Picnic in the Park

Click on the images above to read about our plans for the official opening of the new play equipment on the playing field. It promises to be a great, fun, family afternoon out. The weather is bound to be scorching ... but even if it isn't, there'll be a great big colourful marquee there. Entertainment, music (from local youth bands), drama, games, competitions .... a fun afternoon. Bring a blanket, bring a picnic, leave your car and have a great time. Be there .... or miss it!