Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Parish Council Notes - 25 Nov 2009

There was much discussion at the Council Meeting on what may seem like small items of maintenance - but these are items for which a close watch needs to be kept.   Many were items which fall under the remit of Northumberland County Council but do not seem to be carried out, especially road maintenance. It is not only Ovingham which suffers from the lack of road maintenance but also many other villages and on which NCC have had to cut back because of financial restrictions.

 The Council is still endeavouring to arrange for the blocked culverts at the Packhorse Bridge to be cleared. Thankfully, even with the heavy rain at the moment the Burn has not flooded (though it has risen very high). 

 Councillor Holden gave the meeting an exciting power point demonstration on envisaged improvements to the playing field. As many of the younger residents of Ovingham will know the play equipment is becoming very out-dated and is in need of renewal.   However, Councillor Holden has attended a 'Playbuilder' Scheme presentation for the construction of play areas which encourages imagination and creativity rather than the usual play equipment. Our Middle School have contributed innovative ideas  and now Councillor Holden is seeking funding. He was supported by all the Councillors and now it is a case of "watch this space".

 By the time this account reaches the magazine the New Year will be with us and the Parish Council would wish all members of the Parish a very Happy New Year and the hope that 2010 is trouble free for the village.   Our January Meeting will be held at 7.15 p.m. on  Thursday 18th January in the Reading Room, when all parishioners are welcome.