Monday, 31 August 2009

Parish Council Notes - August 2009

Visitors' Notice Board

This has recently been installed and has attracted favourable comments. The board has various photos taken around Ovingham and a map which should help visitors to find their way around.

Parking Restrictions

Northumberland County Council (Highways Safety) is proposing to extend the double yellow lines round the bend at the south end of Horsley Road. It is hoped that stopping parking here will improve safety and traffic flow on this very busy corner.

Care of Ovingham Village

A lot of maintenance has been carried out throughout the village - mainly the cutting back of hedges. Bewick Lane received a much needed clearing of overgrown hedges and it is hoped that this will help to keep it litter free. Some shrubs are also to be cut back in the churchyard though the branches which overhang the pant will have to remain. A full and varied action plan is being prepared for the village and the council was pleased to receive some very useful (and sometimes quite radical) ideas to make the village more attractive.

Reducing Our Carbon Footprint

Debbie Reed expressed her concern regarding climate change and how we can all, as residents, make a difference to our carbon footprints. There are many ways in which we can all help, even small ways can make a difference (have you thought of turning off your engine when waiting at the level crossing?). Ovingham Parish Council back and support Debbie in all she is doing and she will, in turn, help the council by keeping it informed of ways it can help.

Ovingham Bridge

East Tynedale Forum met recently and our representative, cllr. Richard Benjamin, reported that once again, Ovingham Bridge had been discussed - and once again we were informed that nothing is likely to be done for the next 30 to 40 years.

Road Transport Plan

Ovingham Parish Council will be meeting informally to discuss our requests for the Road Transport Plan (which Northumberland County Council use to prioritise work on highways). The council is asked to choose three items which it feels are the most important or urgent. As some of our requests have been on the list for several years, rapid action will not necessarily happen!

Next Meeting

Thursday 17 September 2009 in the Reading Room. All members of the parish are invited to attend.