Friday, 20 March 2009

Food Hygiene Course

If you are involved in preparing food for the public, you may need to have completed a food hygiene course which is certificated.

Certificates are valid for three years. So if you completed the last course held in the Reading Room, you may need to repeat it.

There are still a few places left for the next course which is being held in the Reading Room on 4 April 2009. Starts 9:00am and finishes at 3:30pm.

Ring 01661 832695 to book your place.

Ceilidh - 27 March 2008

There will be a ceilidh in the Reading Room on 27 March 2009 at 7:30pm. A licensed bar including soft drinks is available.

Ticket price includes a supper of soup and stotties.

The event is in aid of roof repairs to the Reading Room and tickets are available from the Londis shop or Hazel on 836692.

Parish Council News - 20 March 2009

The Parish Council are still very concerned over the amount of litter which is dropped throughout the village. There are very few areas which are litter-free and every person is asked to be vigilant, not only to ensure they do not drop litter but also to stop others doing so. The three main problem areas in the village – the rear lane to Castle View, Bewick Lane and the area at the top of Horsley Road. Please let us all do our best to make sure our village stays beautiful.

Several people have asked when the speed light will be moved. It is the Council’s plan to move the light after April. There are three positions and the light will be moved approximately every 4 months.

At the present time it is not clear what difference to small Parish Councils the new Unitary Authority will make. Ovingham Parish Councillors are all aware that there will be some differences taking place and Councillors are involved in the local Forum which has been formed.

For some time it has been obvious that the “no cycling” signs are ambiguous and it could be that cyclists do not realise they should be using the road bridge. Unfortunately, it seems that only signs used within the Highway Code can be erected. It is hoped that new clearer signs will be placed in a more prominent position in the near future.

Since the beginning of the year it has become law that everybody must be able to access information of all official bodies. To this end Ovingham Parish Council has put on their Web Site the means of access to all information